Thursday, May 28, 2009

the other ten

ten things right with the world to balance my negative ten wrong things (these are not sarcastic)
1. Coke, which i just found out is much better than diet coke. And what do you know, its thanks to my grave yard, which was previously ten wrong thing.
2. Iceburg cookie dough malt shakes at ten.
3. The people I spend time with (and a few of the ones i rarely get to see). They make it on the list because they all tolerate my crazy.
4. My Dad.
4. My Mom.
5. People who can talk and wink at the same time. Bravo!
6. Persons who are not afraid to tell me when I'm being uncool. Some times I really just dont realize the things I say and the harshness they come out with. And sometimes my jokes are pretty bad.
7. People who almost get fired for telling people not to fart in the van.
8. Megan for getting fired over a blog.
9. Courtney for moving to arizona. I hope they find her soon.
10. A good old venti chai frapachinkkno early in the moring. And the afternoon. And sometimes after six.


  1. One time in Vegas the bell man fixed our car by pouring Coke over it to errode part of the engine.

  2. woman you live a beautiful life thanks for letting me witness it
