I'm soon to be a wife! Last week Michael squeezed out the question. It was pretty perfect.
I was sitting there eating cereal at ten at night when he asked me if he could read me something. (I'll post the real thing later) So he started reading and he was talking about how a man should love his wife and that only through God can you really learn to love someone so deeply. Then all the sudden he started saying "you" statements. And I started freaking out, He was talking to me, not just reading me something. Then he said the best part, He asked if I would merry him. Then he hurried and handed me the ring across the table. (a few days later I told him he had to actually get on a knee and we reenacted it) It was the prettiest ring I've ever seen. It was the ring I'd always thought about.
I'm so excited to merry this man.
He is a new man through only God. I always hoped there would be a guy for me who would think about me as much as I think about him, and in the last year, he really has become this guy. Last night he was at Bible study and it ran a little late and he brought me home some dinner. Of course I'd been watching that Mad Men show that I hate with all my soul, and so naturally I assumed he was also out cheating on me with some women in new york. I got over that and we were watching tv and I went in the kitchen to get a drink and there was this easter flower (thats what the tag said it was) that hadn't bloomed yet. It had my first love note in it. And it was just because. I'm living in a dream.
We've been together for three years and though our massive ups and downs we still love each other. He was there for me in a way nobody else could ever be.
I love you Michael,
I cant wait to be a part of your family. I did always really like the movie step mom....
Also cant wait to tell people my last new last name with an italiano accent. Bring on the garlic.
AHHHHHH CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy for you!!!!! Hope you are well!!