When I speed through a yellow light and notice a cop car waiting near by my heart usually skips a beat and I very obviously slam on my breaks thinking maybe it wont notice. So far this tactic as seemed to work but I also wonder if they just see that its a tourus I'm driving and assume I'm just an eighty year old women they don't want to bother with. But anyway, This morning after sleeping in I was in a hurry to get to work and didn't mind speed limits. Speeding down 3300 I spot a sheriff coming my way...not even a jerk of my foot toward the break. It was a sheriff van.
Because I over think everything I had to think about why it was I didn't slow down. So I asked myself.
Well when I see one of those new charger cops I'm scared to even look the driver in the face in case he doesn't like my look and decided to to start slaming into my car doing 80 until a bloody end. So hey, I'll slow down.
But whats the sheriff doing in a domestic van? Isn't the sheriff the guy you call when you single handedly captured a notorious murderer or when your car breaks down in texas chain saw territory? I just dont believe he'd pull me over. He's prpbably busy taking some inmates to a play date and has to drive carefully because hes got freshly frosted pink cupcakes for the little tykes in the back.
I just hope they're handing those out to the big headed ones. Nothing says masculine like a minivan.
Mostly I just feel like me and my powerless exsisters score a point on this one.
Also I feel bad for you police bike riders, your butts must be really sore.